
Bipedal Burglaries

So delicately
we deliver the workforce
from our wombs,
later'll feed
and clean after
the farmers and feral

what more?
break our backs
for the cracks
in the sidewalk!
cure AIDS
with our virgin vaginas!

mechanical missionary mechanical all fours mechanical child-bearing mechanical child-rearing we are machinary, juxaposed to function as so. our skirts made for looking under, easy reach. our tits aesthetic. our gentalia revered, more so than its attachments: BODY & MIND. Our leftovers used to sow seeds. OH, but the sight'll spring! cleaning commercials circa afternoon soap operas. strip tease. secretaries.Latin American mine workers and their soft headed babies, 13000 ft high, so close and so far from Heaven...Glory! No matriarch's hem to hide under,

Only your own now.

carry a pocket knife
for each breast,
a Molotov cocktail
for each man,
and a liver
to filter out what comes after:
dread. too many of us raped
with only more to come,
can't even match his dollar
in our wallowing wage labor

but he was a twenty yr old, Blonde haired blue eyed angel! Handsome devil! but it felt like all the other times before! habitual horror! pleasure? will never feel the same, again. no fixing it. but we deserved it! too smart too poor too powerful, we deserved it had it coming.

now its gone.