
Power Trips

Ye Ole Holy Ginsberg walked Milvia street
Under this same, vast blue skied umbrella
Heartbroken by the same city block dominoes
Avoiding eye contact with the school boys,
Thinking nostalgically of past lovers during youth.
Could he have listened in on 
The homeless whole-heartedly swearing aloud
To no one but themselves
To see if they said his thoughts?
We share dirty pavements, dirty minds.
The man is dead, he is not anywhere anymore 
No revolution came, can barely whisper about it on the streets
This land is all marked up, I can't find earth
Just Capital and Labor, Garbage and Sex
But nothing I don't want these things. 
So, I walk Milvia street 
Under the vast blue skied umbrella
Heartbroken by the same city block dominoes
Avoiding eye contact with the school boys,
Thinking nostalgically of past lovers during youth.
In a getaway, I found Ginsberg's steps, "primitive" heartache. 
If there is no wild, where to stumble then?
Into bed for pillow talk preaching 'bout Lenin, Vanzetti, South Central LA? 
Ignite the population explosion with a two-child match and dashing husband? 
What path to pinpoint down and scuff up with bottoms of feet? 
Universe is a road map! Must be a road map!
Don't let us be wrong about this one now
Revolutions written down on paper spells: F O L L Y!
Absent-minded postindustrial fuck talks circles
Figure 8's for the deep-pockets

Straight lines to hell for the radicals!
There is no wild left for hiding
Only a bronze plaque is left by bureaucrats
At his cottage to say he once was here
Like C-dawg and a sharpie in a bathroom stall
But fancy


Choose carefully t h e w o r d s
Assigned to this ?
These words
Are sounds or straight and rounded lines!
They are not this.
Have yet to feel them?
To be them? to do them?
Sounds and lines ESCAPE me...

NOW must take them,
Assemble noise to represent
To the man what he did,
What I didn't want him to do.
What did he do?

My words come out sweet
Jar in throat incarcerates intimidation,
Eyeing it as a prize
Choose carefully
or he'll never know what he did

Kubrick morality:
Grotesque for a good time.
He kissed sweetly and gently after,
Remained calm
In steadfast stillness and silence

Choose carefully the word
Assigned to this
The crowd will slur and coo
'Bout the sounds and lines forever
(Forever being only a WORD)

What is this? What was this?
Atentado VIOLENTO ao pudor
Have you yet to feel be or do such?
Words come out sweet
They don't come out at all
He'll never know

is not that broad, sunny light
mourning for christ
mourning for christ mas
eyes shut
in disbelief
in inhumane sub-reality
not unlike my mother's womb
once was

ARRR AYE PEEEE EEEE: shapes taking up space
His human body after mine: shapes taking up space
What was this?
And could i keep it at a pronoun
If i did it proudly?
SAVE FACE that is?
Or ought i shout it when he passes,
So that the other girls don't go
and play?

Show & Tell

Tight wire dental floss
Drags out toxic times
This is cleaning up
Bacteria slime can no longer
Stow organs for their own keeping
Mime to those surrounding
What you find
What we keep quiet
Is the best to know
Could stop a riot
Could see into others eyes
And count their losses
Could look straight into the sun
And not become blind
However, sublimely
We waste the string and
The rinds caught between teeth
We keep them secret
Humanity reaped by waste
So, that you may walk
Bemused by the backlash
Of your own thinking,


A short story depicting how we are all secretly deviant.


Once We Grow Up

From here, there's but only progress
Always breathe from the belly
But nonetheless always always progress
and yes, make that one request.
i will think of the words 'onward forward'
until the sounds are senseless. synthetic paralysis
of my own damned doing. dear lord, i confess
i neglect such progress. naked in the glades,
snoring under a store's stoop, 'onward forward'

Imperial eye bashed in the barbarian brains
Bring them christ!
Off with their heads, possess the chess board's squares
And press time and space into
Greenwich, International, imaginary lines
Expressed with paper: Treaties and treasures!
Dance without knowing the planetary steps,
The source of our food, the atoms under skin
holy are we!

slowly, nonetheless, the earth,
whose life like the groundhog was left on repeat,
by your hand, digested the savage mammoth ; savage polar bear soon
though protests its own self with progress,
sparing the stable soil always always molesting molecules for higher order
normal natural in the span of a hundred mya
maybe we can make a deal invest to get the best
spare us

Aware of each new expression coming on,
My mother professed this progress
To be holy and spared
so I, too, may be holy and spared
Gave such great care for those first few years
Yearning to forget that glass of wine before bedtime
A qualm with the patriarch ending in damned distress
Thoughts of what it was all for
Yearning even more to undress these demons
More or less progress was the deep sea
Not impressed, For good nutrition and convincing company,
She attested, "Go live your own damned life!"

Forward, where to go from here?
An evening prayer would not leave me spared
i was never holy only hungry
christ was drinking grape juice and eating bread
progress surpassed by the angle of the sun
and how it infests that particular time of day
yes, eighty more years here as a guest
with the finesse of a flat line
in the breeze at shore under florescent lights
gliding through the glades and
ushering the underside of store stoops

She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Freeway Bypass When She Comes

The city limits stow away family friends lovers in
Neatly organized neighborhoods of cells They sit
And they wait for their detainment to end for
The light day when we can wholesomely whole-
Heartedly lead lives together, again
Watch television to soften my absence
until then. Loved Ones, City Slicking Crooks
Of morality who take from third worlds
Never sought or defended who take
From the Dearest disinergrate
who never sought or defended for there
Were too many things etched into concrete
To do's Brain chemicals subsequently
Boiling to prevent ensuing danger
Eyes crookedly spinning
Back and forth for stardom, safety, love
Freedom YOU Jailhouse Company,
Taste buds soak in light pollution come night
Burning ozone ash and the stink
Of a million other men who may seek you out
But never defend you against the slime
Of humans who only walk talk like humans
Uncanine like dogs Cats who cry on the dime
For dinner because they can not seek food
Or defend against the hunger
Assaulting fault lines in quaking, caving bones
They die domesticated

Learning Complacency

Five comes after four ten more and it's fourteen
But not fiveteen but rather fifteen the young chap
Spins in numbers, new to the art of order
Sitting on the fattest and last branch of the only tree
In Tulip Grove apartments strip of grass called lawn
The boy eyes the rows of cars stacking themselves
In order promptly at the stop light He begins the count
When the light's freshly red 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
In another world he would be counting trees and shrubs
But he was past counting to one quite some time ago
And this was really all there was
Order counting calling objects by their right name
The cars contain no humans
They are red #1 white#2 blue #3
and nothing meant anything