
Appease Me

oneee innn the s a m e: 
RollercoasterFuckFruitpieAcidtrip (Radical releases  finally)
TheCity&TheWild (Similarly called 'H O M E')
13 Galapagos finches is to 6 and a half billion human heralds,
Atomic microphones speak akinesia
                                    Nothing new to create 
Nothing old to destroy 

SO, what will it take to get those eyes up 
From the cemented path,
Pitiful with cracks, graffiti, and chewing gum?
To get a shout or a shake?    It'd be so good to see you!
Would it take Ejaculation G-Force Sugar Hallucinogens? 
Do you desire to be both singular & plural? 
You were! You are! You will be!

What are you doing?
Pleading it as something or nothing
Got it all wrong Get off ALREADY
Don't stay heavy BOIL rather
Red face matches heart blood and insides, naturalized
Finally yes finally finally
(though pleading it not to be final)
HumanityEcologicalEarthUniverse C U M S .