'Have a seat. He'll be right with you'
Surroundings are sterile Smells clean
Someone coughs Another sneezes
& Just like that: You no longer feel safe
The deal is we are waiting for the man
The man with all the know all the knowledge
He will sew us up, Make us well, again
So, Befriend modern life for one hour
Conservative news network
On the television for your viewing
Your queuing pleasure
The newscaster does not appear serious
So few of us will dislike her
What does she have to say for Palestine?
What does she have to say for herself?
Tune in tune out look around
Pick up a National Geographic
A young man in a polo stares
From across the room So, you stare
Deep into Southern Caves miles away
A woman sitting in the seat to your right
Breathes through a machine So, you imagine
She's breathing through enchanted forests
On the glossy pages, you're in nature
Again, the wooly mammoth is comin back
fossilized but not falsified It's okay
To believe it now Last page
A bank hustling a coincidental credit card
Lured back from the back woods
The shiny plastic card on the glossy page
Marked in caves and forests for
The National Geographic reader in you
The young man in a polo's laughing
The woman breathing through a machine
Is gone And now the doctor will SEE you
From here it betters-your fear's hope