I. ' Look in front of you!" I barked at her sadness from the summit of some Heaven, where coach buses filled to the brim with senior citizens (soon to see a Heaven of their own) passed. She screamed back lost in a dream memory about some love long gone. The world's capital of salamanders & she still seeked fantasy. Some fear true ecstasy. It's too much too fast to breathe.
II.Paved grey roads & incessant yellow lines
part the mountains just for us. We don't think
about those men that laid these down, those patient hurting hands telling the black bears to settle down if only so that they may pave in peace...but both the men and the bears thought they related better to being Grizzly than Black.
III. There's only Heaven & Hell in those thoughts. At that peak, when we were looking into the graceful face of God, eye-level with the clouds,we reached for our cameras...& with one flash, we were satisfied having achieved Heaven, put it in a frame to keep for an eternity.