

"Be glad you have limbs at all,"
So says Seneca
"No, no meaning,"
Asserted Satre to de Beavoir
In their well- adorned parlor
Smoking tar-soaked French
Cigarettes, speaking as so
Others might think it bickering
"Laugh at it- or die,"
Cackled Camus
And doing all
Or none of these things
The poets wailed through words
2/3 woe and 1/3 awe
Drunkards and damned
Artists sent streaks
Electrically frequent
For optical nerve to nay:
I see beauty but
I am not beautiful
It would sound sexier
In a romantic tongue ... I think
I am acting out, ranting, shouting
About government, God, and
What it all means
When the bug gnaws
At light green vascular thing
Just under the leaf-
When I finally pinch it
Between index and thumb
Will I even wonder who
Put it and its predator there?